Alia embarks on a quest to avenge her twin sister’s murder at the hands of the ruthless Raj. Alia seeks solace in Mumbai with her childhood friend Pinky. However, her fragile semblance of peace is shattered when she discovers that her twin sister’s killer is none other than Raj, a charming yet nefarious IT company owner involved in a dangerous drug syndicate. Determined to seek justice for her sister’s murder
Alia’s boyfriend and antagonist of the story. Initially, protrayed as supportive figure in Alia’s life. But, Vikas is a manipulative and deceitful individual involved in a dangerous drug syndicate. Priom Gujjar is known for his role in Raat Ki Raani.
Pinky provides support and companionship to Alia as she navigates the challenges of her turbulent life. Entangled in Alia’s quest for vengeance, Pinky’s loyalty is tested, so this leads to conflicts and rises tensions between the two friends. Sonam Arora, best known for her role in Gandii Baat Karan Arjun – Season 2